Caltansis 2 2 Whispering Willows (Willow)

° 2013

ECVO: v.v.
PRA & CEA clear by parentage

Dutch Junior Champion
Luxembourg Champion


Parents 2nd 3rd
Gchex. Readyfor Going to the Max CGN WC RN AGNJS Ch. Anando Copper Calamity JH WC CD Ch. Small Fetcher Don Giovanni CD (Fin)
Ch. Bernache's Anando Belle CD
Ch. Readyfor Cajun Purdy Gurl Ch. Ruaview's Cape Breton Schooner
Ch. Kylador's Autumn Glory CGN
Ch. Caltansis 15 Sage Advice Tips Ch. Bernache's Liard of Caltansis Foxgrove Marshland Runner WC
Bernache's Misty Hallow
Ch. Brilliance of Great Pleasure Ch. Beinnbhreagh's Great Pleasure
Ch. Velvetlace of Great Pleasure