Odette On Cloud Nine of Great Pleasure
° 15/12/2015
Parents | 2nd | 3rd |
Tollchester Starwars Pleasure Ch. Can. |
Tollchester No Problem | KD's Sundance Kid |
Tollwest Blaze of Fire Ch. Can. |
Tollchester Spin the Bottle | Foxvale's Lennoxlove Patriot | |
Beinnbhreaghs Take Em By Storm Ch. Can. |
Imogen of Great Pleasure Ch. Lux., Slov. |
Cylas of Great Pleasure Ch. Ger., Lux., Ned. Slov., VDH |
Bernache's Liard of Caltansis Ch. Can. |
Autumnlace of Great Pleasure Ch. Can., Lux. |
Edéra of Great Pleasure Ch. Lux., Slov., VDH |
Beinnbhreagh's Great Pleasure Ch. Can., Lux., Slov., Ger., Ned., VDH |
Zafiraméra of Great Pleasure Ch. Ned., Lux., Slov., VDH |