Odette On Cloud Nine of Great Pleasure

° 15/12/2015


Parents 2nd 3rd
Tollchester Starwars Pleasure
Ch. Can.
Tollchester No Problem KD's Sundance Kid
Tollwest Blaze of Fire
Ch. Can.
Tollchester Spin the Bottle Foxvale's Lennoxlove Patriot
Beinnbhreaghs Take Em By Storm
Ch. Can.
Imogen of Great Pleasure
Ch. Lux., Slov.
Cylas of Great Pleasure
Ch. Ger., Lux., Ned. Slov., VDH
Bernache's Liard of Caltansis
Ch. Can.
Autumnlace of Great Pleasure
Ch. Can., Lux.
Edéra of Great Pleasure
Ch. Lux., Slov., VDH
Beinnbhreagh's Great Pleasure
Ch. Can., Lux., Slov., Ger., Ned., VDH
Zafiraméra of Great Pleasure
Ch. Ned., Lux., Slov., VDH